大发888dafa 阅读时间:4分钟


有些汽车大发888dafa条款相当简略, while others offer protection for nearly every scenario of loss or damage. 拥有多家汽车大发888dafa公司, 覆盖类型, 以及可供选择的政策, 你从哪里开始呢? 下面, 我们讨论汽车大发888dafa的基本内容, 包括法律所要求的, 你可能会考虑哪些大发888dafa范围, 以及了解免赔额的重要性.


当你购买大发888dafa时, you buy protection that will absorb some or all of your damage costs.


If you have a deductible, it means you agree to pay a share of the damage cost out of pocket. This lowers your insurance cost upfront, but it also means you must pay more when damage occurs.


Once you've paid your deductible, your coverage depends on limits (i.e., how much is covered in total per accident) and types of losses. Every policy has a limit; no insurer provides unlimited loss coverage. The total ceiling amount will vary depending on the plan you buy. The types of losses are spelled out in the agreement and cover various types of damage that could occur.


Your premium is the amount you pay each month to keep your coverage in place and active. Miss a payment, and the insurer can choose to cancel your policy or charge a late fee.

高和. 较低的免赔额

为什么免赔额很重要? Because insurance providers offset their risk with premiums. 顾客支付的时间越长, the more likely it is that a claim can be paid back with recovered premium payments. 然而, when a customer agrees to bear some of the cost of a claim, 这也降低了提供商的风险.

Simply put, a higher deductible will likely mean lower monthly premiums. A lower deductible will typically keep monthly premiums higher. 只要记住, 当破坏性事件发生时, you'll be on the hook for that deductible amount before your insurance provider kicks in its share.


The type of coverage you choose will impact what damage is protected and how much you can expect to pay each month.


Basic coverage typically encompasses your state's minimum requirements for all drivers in terms of insurance protection.


A common example of basic coverage is liability insurance. 如果你确定在事故中有过错, liability insurance will pay for the damage to the other cover/driver. In many states, this is the only type of insurance required. 然而, it does not cover any damage to your own vehicle.


碰撞 covers damage to your own vehicle in the event of an accident, 不管谁有错. 然而, you will likely need to pay a deductible to cover part of the cost of the damages before your insurance company covers the rest.


Extended coverage can include a variety of 覆盖类型 you pick and choose to add to your insurance policy. Some examples of extended or premium coverage add-ons include:

  • Gap coverage: Provides a value return between the market value of your car and what you originally paid for the vehicle.
  • Vandalism protection: Protects your vehicle from intentional damage.
  • Powertrain coverage: Protects the expensive inner workings of your vehicle, 包括引擎, 传动轴, 传输, 等等....... Many new car buyers find this protection built into their car purchase from a dealer.
  • Extended coverage: Provides additional coverage for areas already covered by a car warranty plan for an extended period of time (beyond what the original warranty was set for).


就像听起来的那样, 全面大发888dafa包括所有主要类型的损失, 对你和其他被你伤害的人都是如此. These plans typically provide additional benefits for theft, 旅游的问题, 路边援助, 和更多的. The cost tends to be higher to account for all the additional coverage, but it can be lowered with a higher deductible and a good driving record.

It can be tough to determine what type of car insurance coverage you may need. 和你的大发888dafa代理人一起评估你的选择, run through "what if" scenarios to determine how much and when you'd be liable to pay, 评估你每月的保费.

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务 professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by 消费品套件 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 消费品, 有限责任公司, 不隶属于指定的经纪自营商, 国家或证券交易委员会注册的投资咨询公司. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. 版权 消费品套件.


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